
未归类 网络 2年前 (2022-06-04) 114次浏览 已收录 0个评论


This collection brings together thirty – five letters and sermons of Augustine,bishops of Hippo from AD 396 to 430,that deal with political matters .The letters and sermons areboth practical and principled and treat many essential themes in Augustine’s thought, including the responsibilities of citizenship,the relationship between the church and secular authority, reporsibilities of citizenship,the relationship between the church and secular authority,religious coercion, and war and peace.These texts complement Augustine’s classic the City Of God against the Pagans ,and give students direct insight into the political and social world of late antiquity with which Augustine was immediately involved.The slave trade,tax collection,clerical harassment and murder are amongst the topics with he deals,The volume contains clear,accurate,modern translations,together with a concise introduction and informative notes designed to aid the student encountering Augustine’s life and thought for the first time。
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