The tide of migration that set in toward the shores of North America during the earlyyears of the seventeenth century was but one phase in the restless and eternal movement ofmankind upon the surface of the earth. The ancient Greeks flung out their colonies in everydirection, westward as far as Gaul, across the Mediterranean, and eastward into Asia Minor,perhaps to the very confines of India. The Romans, supported by their armies and theirgovernment, spread their dominion beyond the narrow lands of Italy until it stretched fromthe heather of Scotland to the sands of Arabia. The Teutonic tribes, from their home beyondthe Danube and the Rhine, poured into the empire of the Caesars and made the beginningsof modern Europe. Of this great sweep of races and empires the settlement of America wasmerely a part.And it was, moreover, only one aspect of the expansion which finally carriedthe peoples, the institutions, and the trade of Europe to the very ends of the earth.In one vital point, it must be noted, American colonization differed from that of theancients. The Greeks usually carried with them affection for the government they left behindand sacred fire from the altar of the parent city; but thousands of the immigrants who came toAmerica disliked the state and disowned the church of the mother country. They establishedcompacts of government for themselves and set up altars of their own. They sought not onlynew soil to till but also political and religious liberty for themselves and their children.
查尔斯•比尔德(Charles A. Beard 1874-1948),二十世纪美国著名历史学家、美国史学经济学派创始人、也是美国进步主义史学的代表人物。他曾执教于哥伦比亚大学,著作等身,跨越美国历史和政治科学两大领域,特别致力于用经济原因来解释政治制度和历史发展,在学术界颇有影响。1874年11月27日,比尔德出生于美国印第安纳州的一个贵格派农场主家庭,家境殷实。在他的少年时期,他曾在家庭农场上从事体力劳动,也常在壁炉边倾听父亲与朋友的高谈阔论。父亲崇尚科学和民主,热心公益,对美国的前途充满信心,埃里克•戈尔德曼在概括家庭对比尔德的影响时指出:“他们有着辉格党联邦主义者传统的财产观念,因而是共和党的无条件支持者,而查尔斯是他们真正的儿子。”1884年,10岁的比尔德进入当地一所贵格派中学,读书期间他与他的哥哥克拉伦斯合写了一部批评性小册子,克拉伦斯当时在印第安纳大学读书,借此小组子表达对大学教工团体和管理部门的不满。受此事件牵累,比尔德被中学开除,只好去了另一所中学,并在1891年毕业。此后数年,兄弟二人办了一份地方性报纸,基本编辑立场是支持共和党、赞同禁酒,有浓厚的道德倾向。
玛丽·比尔德(Mary Beard) ,英国著名古典学家,剑桥大学古典学教授,由于她对古典文明研究做出的长期贡献,2018年受封爵士。她长期担任《泰晤士报文学增刊》的古典学编辑,她的博客“一个剑桥教授的生活”广受欢迎,并与英国广播公司合作拍摄了多部与古罗马 和古代文明相关的纪录片。主要著作:《罗马宗教》(Religions of Rome, 1998)、《罗马凯旋式》(The Roman Triumph, 2007)、《罗马元老院与人民:一部古罗马史》(SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome,2015)。